Jul 10, 2008

Modern Day Hieroglyphics: The Text Message Code

av u evr wundRD Y? u cant undRst& d modrn tx QSO? itz simply coz uv nt finishd yr PhD. frm Standford uni n advance hieroglyphics. mch lk studying sand script , itz a lang ll of its own. itz growin lrgr evryday W mor &mre teens powering on their fons n Txt W F?. n hidN deep witn doze txt r d key 2 yr childs thorts, drms, evn plnz 4 satdy nyt. As a fucha parent I fear dat d ritN wl B on d wall AIW +I won't B abL 2 transl8 it n tym 2 save my luvD 1 frm makin a gr8 mstke. ck ot lingo2word.com n C hw ez itz 2 figa ot WTH their sAyn.

Trust me, when I typed this into the website and this printed out, I just about crapped my pants. It seems so ineligible, but your kid understand it. Think about it.

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