Mar 31, 2009

Earth Hour Gets Unknowing Volunteers

A volunteer in a world wide event to help the environment might not be as hard to get as one might think. This last week an event deemed "Earth Hour" was set up to send a message to the leaders of the world about power consumption or global warming or something. Anyways, the event took place between the hours of 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm. To offer your support all you had to do was dim or turn off your lights. Really? I'm sure that the numbers were very impressive for this event, but lets look at an unofficial breakdown of how this success could be obtained any day of the week all year long.

Take an area of a hundred people (only because it makes the math real easy for me) and in that area lets say that thirty of the people are over the age of sixty. That means that once the evening news is done, so are they. Now in that same area lets look at the number of kids/families. Lets make it fifty of them have little ones that start the lights out process to bed them down by nine o'clock. Not including the fact that they, themselves, may have to work in the morning so bed time is a good option as well. That leaves the last twenty who happen to be living single or have roommates. Well back in my party, going out days I seem to recall that we would get all put together and leave the house around nine to hit the club by ten or so. So Lets recap:

Area of One hundred People.................................. 100
Old people cashing out by nine o'clock.................... 30
Families in bed by nine o'clock................................. 50
Singles going out on Saturday after eight thirty.... 20
People not participating in Earth Hour.................... 0

Wow, by my simple math skills, that is a 100% involvement in this little social experiment. Of course my polling is completely fictitious, but hey so was their control group.

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